
Audi A2
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Autor:  Leo [ 06.kwi.2021 06:33:07 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Audi A2

Hi, nice to have You here.
If You found something interesting at allegro or olx , otomoto, feel free to post it here, we'll check it, and before You go to buy any car, You'll have our opinion first.

Autor:  bloku [ 06.kwi.2021 07:12:50 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Audi A2

Hi. First at all why 1,4 TDI? It`s not good choice if want keep drivinig smoothly. Unless You have to use a diesel. Better choice are 1,4 MPI or 1,6 MPI/FSI gasoline (without 1,2).

However, Leo wrote well if You will find some interesting advertisment just paste it here.

Autor:  Baskecior [ 06.kwi.2021 11:46:38 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Audi A2

Hello SteveM.

First, 1.4 TDI engine is bad choice. Don`t ask why.
Second - you should focus on 1.9 TDI in A3 chassis. Preferred quattro. If you want spend more money - A3 2.0 TDI quattro > 2010 will be best choice.
If you`ll find some cars in your neighborhood or for example: otomoto, alllegro, etc, you cant past links here, and we will help you to make the best choice. :)

Best regards.

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